Blog Post 3

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My first issue with making a specific body-fat percentage your goal is related to logical reasoning rather than empirical scientific data. Simply put, nobody cares what your body-fat percentage is (including you, most likely). In my experience, body-fat goals are (at best) proxies that are believed to be roughly compatible with the true goal. For example, someone might want to get down to 20% body-fat because their most recent blood tests revealed high cholesterol and impaired glycemic control. They might assume that they can get those blood biomarkers in check if they’re able to get down to 20% body-fat, which may indeed be true. However, their goal isn’t actually the body-fat percentage; if they got to 20% body-fat and still had high cholesterol and impaired glycemic control, they wouldn’t have achieved the actual endpoints they were truly hoping for.

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5 Non Scale Victories

Now, fortunately, if you want to avoid the potential heart ache, frustration, and disappointment of there are several other ways to measure weight loss progress – some better and more effective/reliable than others.

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6 Non Scale Victories

Imagine this – you’ve been doing all the things you think you need to do to lose weight – working out several days each week and following a diet plan. Then two weeks later you check your weight on a scale and it says you’ve gained weight.

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7 Non Scale Victories

(1) They don’t account for the normal day to day (and even within day) weight fluctuations that humans/we have. Check out my Weight Fluctuations article to learn x ways your scale weight may be lying to you

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Diet & Nutrition

5 Non Scale Victories

Now, fortunately, if you want to avoid the potential heart ache, frustration, and disappointment of there are several other ways to measure weight loss progress

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Habits & Lifestyle

6 Non Scale Victories

Imagine this – you’ve been doing all the things you think you need to do to lose weight – working out several days each week

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For Women

7 Non Scale Victories

(1) They don’t account for the normal day to day (and even within day) weight fluctuations that humans/we have. Check out my Weight Fluctuations article

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